Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Phil Gets Killed

Phil woke up from his long nap and saw the tuna dish the nice lady sat out and decided to eat. He kept both ears twitching making sure danger was not lurking by. After his meal he set off to his third house to search for his enemy.

He crept inside the house and looked in all directions. His ears and tail were on full alert. He passed by the strange bald man who was busy watching and imitating wrestling moves. Phil slipped by the strange wife who was murdering a blood sucking mosquito with chopsticks when he noticed that the cross of Sharmalita looked a bit strange.

The cross was starting to spin in several different directions and turning fuzzy. Phil felt very sick to his stomach....very similar to hacking up a hairball, but a little different. He recognized the tuna surprise he vomited up. He felt so bad he wished someone would just shoot him so he could die. He heard voices that were getting fainter and fainter...suddenly he was purring and dreaming he was with his mommy and seven brothers and sisters. They were playing, drinking their mother's milk, and getting tongue baths from their mother.....