Wednesday, January 04, 2006

New Name

As a youngster it was easy to remember who was my friend. We may have been called Mutt and Jeff, but everyone knew it was Jill. After high school her stepfather adopted her and she changed her last name. Still no big deal...if I mentioned Jill everyone knew who I was talking about.

When I moved to NM I made a new friend named Jill and life got just a little confusing. I manged though.

So, what is my newest issue. I suddenly feel like Larry in a world full of Darryls. My child's name comes from my old youth director's daughter's name. His wife's name was Lori. There were also two real pretty older girls I always wanted to be like in the youth group named Lori Carey and Laurie Lovelace. I always liked the name is a very pretty name.

In NM I had a friend named Laurie and you were suppose to put an emphasis on the Laur part, but most people didn't and Laurie was so sweet she would never correct anybody...

So, today I'm talking with my husband about the girls basketball coach and I ask where Lori's parents are husband gives me this weird look and says "Granbury..." To which I replied I know where Lori Franklin's parent's live...where does Lori Flemons parents live? Then we got into an argument about how he was suppose to know which Lori. He's suppose to read my mind! Hasn't he figured that out yet?

Then I'm informed we might be having a new neighbor named-you guessed it..... Lori...only she is isn't one of the above mentioned Lori's. So, I've decided all the Lori's in my life have to change their name.....or we could have a drawing.....or maybe I will just go to the courthouse and change my name to Lori also.


At 6:29 AM, Blogger jonboy said...

I was not supposed to know we were talking about Lori Flemons ... there had been a break in the conversation, when in fact we had just been talking about driving long distances. ... So There! ...

Also, you weren't supposed to mention anything about the new neighbors.Although, I'm sure L. Franklin will know who you are referring to and I'm sure L.B. wouldn't mind, but the husband didn't want anyone to know.

At 7:29 PM, Blogger Carmah said...

Okay...who the heck are some of these people leaving me comments? I bet you aren't even human! The advertising computers have taken over!!!! RUN!!!!!!


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