Thursday, July 28, 2005

Phil, the Cat

Once upon a time there was a cat named Phil. Phil, the cat, lived between three different houses. At the first house, he liked the padded swing on the back porch and the fact that the nice lady would throw out the leftover tuna surprise her mother in law brought to her every Tuesday and Thursday night.

The second house had a nice big uncovered sand box and easy to climb trees so Phil could check out the happenings in the neighborhood. However, he had to be careful what time he went over to the second house because the children who lived there sometimes came out to play. The children enjoyed games such as tie the rope around the kitty's tail or spray the cat with the power washer. Phil wasn't fond of either game.

In his third home was a cat door and inside was a strange bald man and his eccentric wife. The house was decorated with skulls and bones and a cross shaped grave marker with the name "Sharmalita" carved into it. Normally this would bother any sane cat, but Phil always knew food would be set out and water would be available. There was even a litter box in case the kids were playing in his other yard. Another cat also lived there, but he managed to avoid her as much as possible since she was usually in a very bad mood.

To be continued......


At 6:21 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Phil the cat huh, sounds a bit like a Shadow, Tex, or any other cat that can get through the strict security measures that have been put into place by the evil red headed cat woman.

At 1:29 PM, Blogger spookyrach said...

Wait. I don't get it.

ha ha!


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